Discovery Bible Reading

Discovery Bible Reading is a simple and effective way to open and read the Bible with your friends, no matter what your knowledge or experience of Jesus.

Discovery Bible Reading allows the Holy Spirit to be the primary teacher. Even before a person has made a full commitment to Jesus Christ they can facilitate a Discovery Bible Reading group with friends, and come to know Jesus as they go.

Jesus outlined a simple process to connect with people. If you can eat, you can share faith and make disciples (Luke 10:1-9).

1. Eat with people – and listen to their story. Share a ‘coffee’/meal, listen and you will identify the desperate needs of people.

2. Heal them – using your story as a bridge. Share a one sentence testimony of your story as a bridge to healing.

3. Introduce God’s story – God cares (‘the kingdom is near’). Share that God will walk with them through the ‘valleys’. Let people experience God. This is not time to prove anything.

How Does It Work?

Today many know little or nothing about Jesus and it has been found that encouragement to read the Gospel of Mark opens the way for them to learn of Him as well as share His story into their relational streams.

Watch the video to learn more about how Discovery Bible Reading works.

If you would like the 52 Week Bible Reading Plan:

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